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Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Ancestors list Hanna Persdotter
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Here is the list of ancestors of Hanna Persdotter with dates of birth and death (as far as known). The links lead to detailed individual reports with further family cross references. The ancestors on the mother's side are highlighted in red and those on the father's side in blue.
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Herbert Juling (

      1.    PERSDOTTER, Hanna * 24.09.1867 in Veberöd (S), + 04.12.1870 in Veberöd (S)
         1. Generation:
      2.    PERSSON, Per * 26.02.1825 in Vomb (S), + 27.05.1902 in Vomb (S)
      3.    MANSDOTTER, Bengta * 15.05.1821 in Veberöd (S), + 03.02.1901 in Vomb (S)
         2. Generation:
      4.    HOLM, Per Hansson * 19.04.1784 in Veberöd (S), + in 1858 in Vomb (S)
      5.    PERSDOTTER, Kjerstina * 03.06.1790 in Vomb (S), + 27.12.1855 in Vomb (S)
      6.    HEDDENGREN, Mans Hansson * 21.02.1783 in Kyrkheddinge (S), + 18.03.1859 in Veberöd (S)
      7.    PERSDOTTER, Elna * 26.05.1780 in Gödelöv (S), + 16.03.1850 in Veberöd (S)
         3. Generation:
      8.    PERSSON, Hans * 01.10.1755 in Veberöd (S), + 24.12.1830 in Veberöd (S)
      9.    THOMASDOTTER, Christensa * 01.08.1750 in Slimminge (S), + 27.05.1825 in Veberöd (S)
    10.    UNBEKANNT, Per * in Vomb (S)
    11.    PALSDOTTER, Ingar * 22.07.1754 in Vomb (S)
    12.    HANSSON, Hans * in 1741 in Kyrkheddinge (S), + 03.07.1800 in Kyrkheddinge (S)
    13.    MANSDOTTER, Dorothea * in 1755 in Kyrkheddinge (S), + 20.04.1786 in Kyrkheddinge (S)
    14.    NILSSON WEBERG, Per * 17.03.1752 in Veberöd (S), + 29.10.1823 in Veberöd (S)
    15.    LARSDOTTER, Ingar * in , + 24.02.1827 in Brandstad (S)
         4. Generation:
    16.    PERSSON HOLM, Per * in 1713 in Burlöv (S), + 03.03.1780 in Veberöd (S)
    17.    RASMUSDOTTER, Sissa * in 1718 in , + 16.02.1789 in Veberöd (S)
    18.    NILSSON, Thomas * 11.04.1733 in Skurup (S)
    19.    SORENSDOTTER, Metta * about 1730 in Slimminge (S)
    28.    KNUTSSON, Nils * in 1710 in , + 10.05.1784 in Veberöd (S)
    29.    LARSDOTTER, Elna * in 1709 in , + 17.04.1779 in Veberöd (S)
    30.    PERSSON, Lars * about 1715 in Gödelöv (S)
    31.    SIMONSDOTTER, Elna * about 1715 in Bonderup (S)
         5. Generation:
    32.    HOLM, Per * in 1684 in
    33.    RASMUSDOTTER, Elsa * in 1689 in Burlöv (S)
    62.    SIMONSSON, Simon * in 1688 in Bonderup (S)
    63.    NILSDOTTER, Hanna * in 1687 in Bonderup (S)
         6. Generation:
    64.    MR HOLM, * in

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