Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Ancestors list Theodor PÖLING
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here is the list of ancestors of Theodor PÖLING with dates of birth and death (as far as known). The links lead to detailed individual reports with further family cross references. The ancestors on the mother's side are highlighted in red and those on the father's side in blue.
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Herbert Juling (

      1.    PÖLING, Theodor * 30.01.1701 in Leschede
         1. Generation:
      2.    PÖLING, Joan (#832) * 22.09.1669 in Leschede, + after 1749 in Leschede
      3.    ESSELER, Walburg (#833) * about 1679 in Leschede, + after 1746 in Leschede
         2. Generation:
      4.    PÖLING, Theodor (#1664) * about 1649 in Leschede, + about 1676

Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map

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