Family database Juling
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There are 28 individuals named GEIßING (GEISINCK, GEISSING) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
GEISINCK, Adelheid (# 1981 ) * 14.03.1691 in Ahlde?, + in
GEISSING, Adelheid * 28.10.1703 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Anna Catharina * 01.05.1755 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Anna Christina * 30.05.1728 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Anna Margarete * 19.05.1787 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Anna Stina * 11.11.1749 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Anna * 16.05.1725 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Bernard Hermann * 21.09.1747 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Bernard Hermann * 27.05.1772 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Bernard * in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Bernard * 02.09.1714 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Christina * 10.03.1683 in Emsbüren, + in
GEISSING, Dirk * 04.05.1722 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Euphemia Elisabeth * 17.02.1774 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Euphemia * about 1710 in Ahlde?, + in
GEISSING, Gerhard * 29.09.1745 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Hermann * about 1650 in Emsbüren, + in
GEISSING, Johann Bernard * 19.05.1744 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Johann Bernard * 03.02.1779 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Johann Hermann * 23.05.1783 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Margarete * 13.08.1696 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Margaretha Adelheid * 12.07.1822 in Mehringen, + in
GEISSING, Maria Stina * 27.01.1777 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Maria * about 1715 in Ahlde?, + in
GEISSING, Maria * 28.02.1767 in Ahlde, + 16.06.1815 in Listrup
GEISSING, Stina Adelheid * 29.05.1720 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Stina Elisabeth * 11.07.1769 in Ahlde, + in
GEISSING, Stina * 10.02.1692 in Ahlde, + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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