Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Family report Elizabeth Strong
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Elizabeth STRONG
*09.06.1664 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
+17.02.1691 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
No spouse found!
No children found!
Mother:Freedom WOODWARD
* in 1642 in Dorchester (Massechusetts)
+ 17.05.1681 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
Abigail STRONG * 1666 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1689 in Chard (GB)
Ford STRONG * 1668 in , + 1668 in
(Kind) STRONG * 1669 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1669 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
Hannah STRONG * 1671 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1762 in Coventry (Connecticut)
Thankful STRONG * 1672 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1742 in Coventry (Connecticut)
John STRONG * 1673 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1673 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
Sarah STRONG * 1674 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1726 in Lebanon (Connecticut)
Lydia STRONG * 1675 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1718 in Coventry (Connecticut)
Mary STRONG * 1677 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1677 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
Experience STRONG * 1678 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1678 in Northampton (Massachusetts)
Preserved STRONG * 1680 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1765 in Coventry (Connecticut)
John STRONG * 1681 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 1699 in
Father:Jedediah STRONG
* 07.05.1637 in Taunton (Massachusetts)
+ 22.05.1733 in Coventry (Connecticut)

[1] WikiTree
Last update: 01.01.2016
Comments and questions: Herbert Juling
This is the 28,602,718th query of a family report from this database!
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