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Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Family report Ellen Wood
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Ellen WOOD
*18.07.1831 in Chillicothe (Ohio)
+22.02.1877 in New York City (New York)

1st Spouse: Frank WORK
* about 1825
Frances E. WORK * 1857 in New York City (New York), + 1947 in New York City (New York)

2nd Spouse: Franklin H. WORK
* 10.02.1819 in Chillicothe (Ohio)
+ 16.03.1911 in New York City (New York)
oo 19.02.1857 in Manhattan (New York)
George Paul WORK * 1858 in New York (USA), + 1900 in Davos (CH)
Lucy Bond WORK * 1860 in New York City (New York), + 1934 in New York City (New York)

Mother:Eleanor STRONG
* 25.08.1805 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
+ 09.07.1863 in New York City (New York)
William Bond WOOD * 1826 in Chillicothe (Ohio), + 1876 in Wabash (Indiana)
George WOOD * 1832 in Chillicothe (Ohio), + 1897 in New York (USA)
Joseph Strong WOOD * 1834 in Chillicothe (Ohio), + 1834 in Chillicothe (Ohio)
Father:John WOOD
* 29.07.1785 in Shepherdstown (West Virginia)
+ 29.01.1848 in Wabash (Indiana)

[1] WikiTree
Last update: 01.01.2016
Comments and questions: Herbert Juling
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