Family database Juling
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There are 13 individuals named BENNETT in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
BENNETT, Evelyne Vay * 10.11.1917 in Loco (Oklahoma), + 14.12.2005 in Amarillo (Texas)
BENNETT, Flois Syrenia * 15.06.1905 in Prospect (Texas), + 03.11.1991 in Guthrie (Oklahoma)
BENNETT, James Edwin * 03.11.1902 in Elmore City (Oklahoma) , + 24.02.1953 in Lamesa (Texas)
BENNETT, James Tillman * 08.10.1868 in Steelville (Missouri), + 01.06.1953 in Oklahoma City (Oklahoma)
BENNETT, Jessie George * 21.06.1897 in Elmore City (Oklahoma) , + 04.01.1908 in Elmore City (Oklahoma)
BENNETT, Lois Ellen * 16.10.1899 in Elmore City (Oklahoma) , + 26.08.1992 in Houston (Texas)
BENNETT, Roy Davis * 12.08.1911 in Elmore City (Oklahoma) , + 12.11.1991 in Andrews (Texas)
BENNETT, Sarah Jane * in , + in
BENNETT, Vera Fay * 19.07.1908 in Elmore City (Oklahoma) , + in
BENNETT, William Richard * 22.08.1894 in Whitebead (Oklahoma), + 01.06.1983 in Albuquerque (New Mexico)
BENNETT, William * in , + in 1897 in Elmore City (Oklahoma)
BENNETT, William * in , + in
BENNETT, * in , + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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