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There are 30 individuals named GRESS (GREHS, GRESS) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
GRESS, Adelheid (Catharina) * about 1700 in Tecklenburg, + in
GRESS, Anna Catharina (# 179 ) * about 1780 in , + in
GRESS, Anna Elisabeth * 17.01.1742 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Anna Hermine (# 23 ) * 25.04.1864 in Hopsten, + 13.01.1934 in Rheine
GRESS, Anna Maria Aleyd * 11.03.1767 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Anna Maria Elisabeth * 01.08.1769 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Anna Maria * 16.09.1793 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Bernard Heinrich * 20.08.1853 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Gerard Henr. Jos. * 12.12.1791 in Hopsten, + 01.05.1816 in Hopsten
GRESS, Gerard (# 368 ) * about 1715 in , + in
GRESS, Joan Dierk Wilhelm * 05.11.1776 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Joan Gerd Joseph * 21.11.1765 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Joan Gerd (# 92 ) * 12.10.1771 in Hopsten, + before 1849 in
GRESS, Joan Joseph * 20.09.1764 in Hopsten, + 07.06.1825 in Hopsten
GRESS, Joan Joseph * 20.09.1802 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Joan Nicolaus * 23.06.1779 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Joan Theodor * 21.04.1736 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Joan * about 1725 in , + in
GREHS, Johan Gerard (# 46 ) * 03.03.1822 in Hopsten, + 20.11.1886 in Hopsten
GREHS, Johan Gerhard * 06.08.1850 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Johann Hermann * 24.05.1856 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Johan Theodor (Dierk) (# 184 ) * 12.08.1737 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Jürgen Anton * 29.04.1774 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Maria Bernardina * 10.12.1862 in Hopsten, + in
GRESS, Maria Catharina (# 89 ) * 26.10.1801 in Hopsten, + 23.12.1861 in Hopsten
GREHS, Maria Elisabeth * 15.09.1859 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Maria Francisia * 08.10.1851 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Maria Julia * 18.01.1869 in Hopsten, + in
GREHS, Maria Lucia Elisabeth * 27.03.1858 in Hopsten, + 08.09.1859 in Hopsten
GRESS, Maria Margar. Adelheid * 10.09.1789 in Hopsten, + 06.02.1791 in Hopsten
Last update: 10.07.2002
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