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There are 15 individuals named HOLMQUIST in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
HOLMQUIST, Albin Ferdinand * 20.07.1886 in Mead (Nebraska), + 17.02.1975 in Jerome (Idaho)
HOLMQUIST, Donald William , Sr. * 24.01.1920 in Las Animas (Colorado), + in
HOLMQUIST, Emil William * 27.10.1879 in Lund (S), + in 1879 in
HOLMQUIST, Emil William * 20.01.1882 in Lund (S), + 31.03.1949 in Las Animas (Colorado)
HOLMQUIST, Esther Elizabeth * 22.09.1892 in Julesburg (Colorado), + in
HOLMQUIST, Hans Julius * 27.10.1879 in Lund (S), + 12.02.1968 in
HOLMQUIST, Hans Persson * 02.01.1850 in Veberöd (S), + 25.07.1930 in Las Animas (Colorado)
HOLMQUIST, Harold Raymond * 18.12.1917 in Las Animas (Colorado), + 22.03.1966 in Twin Falls (Idaho)
HOLMQUIST, Ida Bertha * 26.05.1875 in Lund (S), + 07.01.1958 in La Junta (Colorado)
HOLMQUIST, Ivanna Paulina * 27.10.1884 in Crawford (Maine) , + in 1888 in Mead (Nebraska)
HOLMQUIST, John William * 06.04.1877 in Lund (S), + 30.12.1965 in
HOLMQUIST, Karen Lynn * 25.09.1942 in Twin Falls (Idaho), + 12.07.1995 in Lakeview (Oregon)
HOLMQUIST, Mildred Irene * 26.04.1918 in Las Animas (Colorado), + in
HOLMQUIST, Peter Per * 03.10.1858 in Veberöd (S), + 25.06.1936 in Ward Springs (Minnesota)
HOLMQUIST, Robert Hans * 27.11.1926 in Las Animas (Colorado), + 19.12.1926 in Las Animas (Colorado)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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