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There are 18 individuals named KLEINAU (KLEINAU) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
KLEINAU, Andreas * 16.07.1680 in Irxleben, + 06.01.1741 in Irxleben
KLEINAU, Anna * about 1886 in , + in
KLEINAU, August Wilhelm * 09.09.1885 in Weißensee (Berlin), + in
KLEINAU, Charlotte Ida * 31.10.1892 in Heinersdorf, + in
KLEINAU, Claus * in 1620 in , + 14.05.1683 in Dahlenwarsleben
KLEINAU, Emma * about 1893 in , + in
KLEINAU, Helene * 10.11.1885 in Weißensee (Berlin), + 17.11.1885 in Heinersdorf
KLEINAU, Herrmann * in 1884 in Weißensee (Berlin), + in 1886 in Weißensee (Berlin)
KLEINAU, Jakob * about 1535 in Dahlenwarsleben, + before 1600 in Dahlenwarsleben
KLEINAU, Jakob * about 1575 in Dahlenwarsleben, + before 1635 in Dahlenwarsleben
KLEINAU, Joachim * 10.07.1717 in Irxleben, + 04.06.1787 in Klein Ottersleben
KLEINAU, Johann Andreas Samuel * 13.01.1789 in Benneckenbeck, + 16.01.1860 in Möckern
KLEINAU, Johann Christian Andreas * 01.03.1818 in Groß Ottersleben, + 17.03.1898 in Heinersdorf
KLEINAU, Johanne Sophia * 06.11.1815 in Benneckenbeck, + 05.08.1893 in Möckern
KLEINAU, Johann Samuel * 11.11.1757 in Diesdorf, + 18.08.1813 in Benneckenbeck
KLEINAU, Palm * in 1655 in Dahlenwarsleben, + 15.06.1716 in Irxleben
KLEINAU, Pauline * after 1886 in , + in
KLEINAU, Wilhelm August Herrmann * 30.06.1854 in Heinersdorf, + 14.03.1937 in Heinersdorf
Last update: 10.07.2002
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