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There are 34 individuals named KUPER (CUIPERS, KÜPERS, KÜPKER) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
KÜPKER, Adelheid Margaretha * 08.01.1819 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Angela * about 1930 in Emsbüren, + before 2016 in
KÜPERS, Anna Adelheid * 20.11.1712 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Anna Maria Catharina * 15.09.1834 in Emsbüren, + in Rheine
KÜPERS, Bernard (# 966 ) * 18.04.1715 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 30.09.1774 in
KÜPKER, Bernhard Heinrich * 24.02.1869 in Emsbüren, + in
KÜPKER, Bernhard Theodor * 11.04.1840 in , + in
KÜPKER, Bernhard * in 1677 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KUPER, Euphemia Maria * in , + in
KÜPKER, Everhard Bernhard * in , + in
KÜPERS, Gebina * 27.04.1710 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Gerhard * in Ahlde, + in
KÜPKER, Gerhard * 14.07.1676 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPERS, Gesina * 17.03.1719 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Heinrich (# 3476 ) * about 1645 in Hanwische?, + in
KÜPERS, Heinrich * 15.01.1702 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
CUIPERS, Henricus (# 1738 ) * 28.02.1672 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Hermann Heinrich * 16.03.1816 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 31.08.1818 in Hanwische (Emsbüren)
KÜPKER, Hermann * in 1680 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Hermann * 01.09.1803 in , + 25.01.1866 in Hanwische (Emsbüren)
KÜPKER, Hermann * about 1925 in Emsbüren, + before 2016 in
KÜPKER, Johann Bernhard * 07.04.1806 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in 1837 in Niederlande
KÜPKER, Johann Hermann Anton * 16.10.1808 in , + 06.04.1871 in Hanwische (Emsbüren)
KÜPKER, Johann * 25.11.1674 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPERS, Johann * 20.11.1712 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
CUIPERS, Lucretia (# 869 ) * 24.02.1704 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 02.12.1754 in Emsbüren
KÜPKER, Margaretha Adelheid * 16.08.1821 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 01.07.1851 in Emsbüren
KÜPERS, Margaretha Elisabeth * 20.06.1706 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Susanna Maria Elisabeth * 29.04.1811 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 18.05.1812 in Hanwische (Emsbüren)
KÜPERS, Susanna * 19.02.1708 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, Susanna (# 483 ) * 19.09.1750 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + 09.08.1816 in
KÜPKER, Theodor Dirk * 18.06.1673 in Hanwische (Emsbüren), + in
KÜPKER, * in , + in
KÜPKER, * about 1923 in Emsbüren, + before 2016 in
Last update: 10.07.2002
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