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There are 19 individuals named LEUGERMANN in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
LEUGERMANN, Aloys * in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Auguste Anna Julie * 05.10.1880 in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, August Johann Heinrich * 05.01.1871 in Hauenhorst, + 16.07.1951 in
LEUGERMANN, Bernard Heinrich * 26.10.1868 in Hauenhorst, + in 1874 in Hauenhorst
LEUGERMANN, Bernhard * 09.11.1823 in Leer, + in 1874 in Catenhorn
LEUGERMANN, Franz Bernard * 25.01.1877 in Hauenhorst, + 30.11.1953 in Rheine
LEUGERMANN, Franz * in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Hedwig * 08.09.1913 in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Heinrich Gregor * 08.05.1875 in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Heinrich * about 1710 in , + in
LEUGERMANN, Johann * about 1680 in Leer?, + in
LEUGERMANN, Joseph Johann * 09.10.1866 in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Joseph * in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Maria Wilhelmine Augusta * 07.10.1907 in Hauenhorst, + 23.04.1979 in Ostbevern
LEUGERMANN, Wilhelm Christoph Heinrich * 13.02.1865 in Hauenhorst, + in
LEUGERMANN, Wilhelm Heinrich * about 1750 in Leer, + in
LEUGERMANN, Wilhelm Heinrich * after 1781 in Leer, + 04.03.1853 in
LEUGERMANN, Wilhelmine Maria * 07.12.1872 in Hauenhorst, + 18.08.1948 in
LEUGERMANN, Wilhelm Johann Heinrich * 31.03.1825 in Leer bei Horstmar, + 17.07.1906 in Hauenhorst
Last update: 10.07.2002
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