Family database Juling
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There are 15 individuals named SCOTT in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
SCOTT, Bessie Bell * in 1900 in Chippewa County (Michigan), + 23.08.1901 in Huron County (Canada)
SCOTT, Ella Mae * 04.08.1895 in Morris (Canada), + 09.02.1976 in Bay City (Michigan)
SCOTT, Florence Mabel * 27.01.1889 in Huron County (Canada), + 18.07.1969 in
SCOTT, Gladys Leona * 01.08.1906 in , + 16.04.1967 in Colorado (USA)
SCOTT, Grace Jessie * 27.01.1893 in Huron County (Canada), + 03.06.1956 in Sault Sainte Marie (Michigan)
SCOTT, Joseph * in , + in
SCOTT, Marion Agnes * 13.07.1899 in , + 04.04.1962 in California
SCOTT, Olive Ida * 22.03.1904 in , + in
SCOTT, Russell R * 01.01.1898 in Rudyard (Michigan), + 03.01.1898 in Rudyard (Michigan)
SCOTT, Sarah * in , + in
SCOTT, Thelma Irene * 22.03.1920 in , + in
SCOTT, Thomas * in 1797 in Berwickshire (Scotland) , + 27.08.1858 in Oxford County (Canada)
SCOTT, William James * 08.02.1868 in Huron County (Canada), + 03.05.1940 in Sault Sainte Marie (Michigan)
SCOTT, William Murray * 25.07.1831 in Midlothian (Scotland), + 25.09.1902 in Huron County (Canada)
SCOTT, Wilson D * in 1903 in Rudyard (Michigan), + 24.04.1903 in Rudyard (Michigan)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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