Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > List of names
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There are 31 individuals named WINFIELD in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name First name Birth Death Place of birth
WINFIELD, A C * in , + in
WINFIELD, A K * in , + in
WINFIELD, Anna F * about 1875 in , + about 1955 in
WINFIELD, Charles * in , + in
WINFIELD, Edward Clark * about 1878 in , + in 1975 in
WINFIELD, Frank Bruce * in , + about 1935 in
WINFIELD, Grace * in , + in
WINFIELD, Harry * in Ohio (USA), + in
WINFIELD, Howard * in Ohio (USA), + in
WINFIELD, John II * 13.08.1811 in Leichester Borough (GB), + 17.01.1879 in Hubbard (Ohio)
WINFIELD, John Rose * 26.04.1834 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), + 26.01.1907 in
WINFIELD, John * 27.12.1774 in Stowe (GB), + 05.04.1849 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)
WINFIELD, J R * in , + in
WINFIELD, Laura Blanch * about 1895 in Ohio (USA), + in
WINFIELD, Luella * in , + in
WINFIELD, Mary Frances * 12.02.1837 in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), + 02.07.1925 in Northville (South Dakota)
WINFIELD, Mary * in , + in
WINFIELD, Mary * in Ohio (USA), + in
WINFIELD, Mason * in Ohio (USA), + in
WINFIELD, Robert * about 1739 in Stafford (GB), + in
WINFIELD, Sam * in , + in
WINFIELD, Sarah Shipley * 22.10.1839 in Darby (Pennsylvania) , + 02.02.1915 in California
WINFIELD, Sarah S * in 1814 in Cambridge (GB) , + 26.05.1879 in Canfield (Ohio)
WINFIELD, Sophia Ann * 15.09.1841 in Alleghany (Virginia) , + 03.09.1921 in
WINFIELD, Thomas Alexander * 26.09.1847 in Canfield (Ohio) , + 09.06.1925 in
WINFIELD, William Campion * 17.03.1844 in Alton (Illinois) , + 29.09.1932 in
WINFIELD, William Shipley * 05.01.1813 in Nottingham (GB), + 22.05.1889 in Kokomo (Indiana)
WINFIELD, William * in , + in
WINFIELD, William * in , + in
WINFIELD, William * in 1875 in , + in 1884 in
WINFIELD, W S * in , + in
Last update: 10.07.2002
Ancestors list
List of names
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Distribution map

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