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There are 20 individuals with the location Woltersdorf in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
BORCHERTEN, Catharina Elisabeth * in 1743 in Woltersdorf, + in
     oo 26.01.1773 in Woltersdorf JÜLING, Johann Friedrich * about 1745 in , + in
JULING, Johann Gottfried * 15.06.1774 in Woltersdorf, + in
     oo 12.02.1815 in Woltersdorf RIESSLER, Dorothea Louise * about 1789 in , + 08.02.1849 in Woltersdorf
JULING, Marie Elisabeth * 15.12.1819 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, August Heinrich * 14.11.1870 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Carl Wilhelm Andreas * 01.10.1860 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Catharina Sophia * 10.01.1777 in Woltersdorf, + 04.06.1778 in Woltersdorf
JÜLING, Dorothee Charlotte * 07.10.1858 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Dorothe Elisabeth * 25.07.1823 in Woltersdorf, + 08.04.1858 in Körbelitz
JÜLING, Friederike Elisabeth * 09.08.1856 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Friedrich Daniel * 04.04.1868 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Heinrich Ludwig * 28.02.1827 in Woltersdorf, + in
     oo in 1853 in Woltersdorf TUCHEN, Friederike Elisabeth * about 1830 in , + before 1903 in
JÜLING, Johann Friedrich * about 1745 in , + in
     oo 26.01.1773 in Woltersdorf BORCHERTEN, Catharina Elisabeth * in 1743 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Johann Peter Jacob * 27.03.1779 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Maria Dorothea * 27.12.1820 in Woltersdorf, + in
JÜLING, Peter Wilhelm * 24.12.1865 in Woltersdorf, + 18.09.1868 in Woltersdorf
JÜLING, Sophie Marie * 01.02.1854 in Woltersdorf, + 19.09.1855 in Woltersdorf
RIESSLER, Dorothea Louise * about 1789 in , + 08.02.1849 in Woltersdorf
     oo 12.02.1815 in Woltersdorf JULING, Johann Gottfried * 15.06.1774 in Woltersdorf, + in
TUCHEN, Friederike Elisabeth * about 1830 in , + before 1903 in
     oo in 1853 in Woltersdorf JÜLING, Heinrich Ludwig * 28.02.1827 in Woltersdorf, + in
ZANDER, Erdmuth (# 2051 ) * in Woltersdorf, + 13.11.1671 in Möckern
Last update: 10.07.2002
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