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There are 17 individuals with the location Lebanon (Connecticut) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death

CUSHMAN, Thomas * about 1670 in Plymouth (Massachusetts), + 03.01.1727 in Lebanon (Connecticut)
STRONG, Sarah * in 1674 in Northampton (Massachusetts), + 25.12.1726 in Lebanon (Connecticut)

CUSHMAN, Willi * about 1703 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + in
CUSHMAN, Thomas * about 1705 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + after 1765 in Lebanon (Connecticut)
CUSHMAN, Thomas * in 1705 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + in 1805 in New Providence (New Jersey)
HUNT, Jonathan * in 1708 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 18.08.1788 in Canaan (New York)
     oo 14.05.1732 in Lebanon (Connecticut) CUSHMAN, Ruth * 09.01.1708 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 05.05.1799 in Canaan (New York)
CUSHMAN, Ruth * 09.01.1708 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 05.05.1799 in Canaan (New York)
     oo 14.05.1732 in Lebanon (Connecticut) HUNT, Jonathan * in 1708 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 18.08.1788 in Canaan (New York)

HUNT, Hulda * 26.01.1733 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 20.05.1800 in Haddam (Connecticut)
HUNT, Vesta * 15.07.1735 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 02.02.1829 in
HUNT, Lore * 26.11.1738 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + about 1818 in

HUNT, Luther * 20.01.1743 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 09.07.1823 in Canaan (New York)
HUNT, Jasper * 02.06.1745 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 00.01.1792 in Halifax (Vermont)
HUNT, Sarah Lynna * 11.07.1747 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 12.08.1816 in Columbia (Connecticut)

HUNT, Jonathan * 09.02.1750 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + in 1829 in Monroeville (Ohio)
HUNT, Theodora * 17.01.1755 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 05.10.1815 in Canaan (New York)

HUNT, Hiel * 29.01.1782 in Lebanon (Connecticut), + 29.10.1879 in Hunts Corners (Ohio)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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