Family database Juling
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There are 24 individuals with the location Albersloh in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
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sorted by: Last name Birth Death
BRÖCKER, Anna Gertrud * in , + 20.12.1834 in Albersloh
DIRKMANN, Maria Ludowika * 25.02.1805 in Bösensell, + 23.10.1877 in Albersloh
     oo 07.07.1835 in Albersloh MÜHLENKAMP, Joan Joseph * 06.03.1780 in Albersloh, + 15.09.1844 in Albersloh
HEIMANN, Hermann * 15.07.1701 in Albersloh, + 02.06.1773 in Albersloh
     oo 17.05.1729 in Albersloh WATERMANN, Anna Catharina * 09.04.1694 in Albersloh, + 08.01.1760 in Albersloh
HEUMANN, Anna Elisabeth * 30.11.1741 in Albersloh, + in
     oo 27.07.1762 in Albersloh NUMMERLOH GEN. MÜLLENKAMP, Hermann Anton * 14.01.1737 in Albersloh, + 05.11.1811 in Albersloh
HORSTMANN, Charlotte Friederika Antonette * 21.09.1843 in Sendenhorst, + 05.12.1878 in Albersloh
     oo 07.10.1868 in Albersloh MÜHLENKAMP GNT SCHULZE ZUR ALST, Wilhelm Joseph * 12.01.1838 in Albersloh, + 20.03.1907 in Albersloh
KNOST, Anna * 20.03.1695 in Albersloh, + 26.05.1762 in Albersloh
     oo 20.11.1719 in Albersloh NUMMERLOH, Hermannus * about 1700 in , + in
MÜHLENKAMP GNT SCHULZE ZUR ALST, Wilhelm Joseph * 12.01.1838 in Albersloh, + 20.03.1907 in Albersloh
     oo 07.10.1868 in Albersloh HORSTMANN, Charlotte Friederika Antonette * 21.09.1843 in Sendenhorst, + 05.12.1878 in Albersloh
MÜHLENKAMP, Joan Joseph * 06.03.1780 in Albersloh, + 15.09.1844 in Albersloh
     oo 07.07.1835 in Albersloh DIRKMANN, Maria Ludowika * 25.02.1805 in Bösensell, + 23.10.1877 in Albersloh
NUMMERLOH GEN. MÜLLENKAMP, Hermann Anton * 14.01.1737 in Albersloh, + 05.11.1811 in Albersloh
     oo 27.07.1762 in Albersloh HEUMANN, Anna Elisabeth * 30.11.1741 in Albersloh, + in
NUMMERLOH, Hermannus * about 1700 in , + in
     oo 20.11.1719 in Albersloh KNOST, Anna * 20.03.1695 in Albersloh, + 26.05.1762 in Albersloh
OVERMANN, Anna Maria Elisabeth * in Albersloh, + 23.10.1867 in Albersloh
SCHULZE ZUR ALST, Josephine * 06.02.1872 in Albersloh, + 22.01.1960 in Havixbeck
WATERMANN, Anna Catharina * 09.04.1694 in Albersloh, + 08.01.1760 in Albersloh
     oo 17.05.1729 in Albersloh HEIMANN, Hermann * 15.07.1701 in Albersloh, + 02.06.1773 in Albersloh
WISSING, Bernard * 27.12.1871 in Albersloh, + in
WISSING, Franz Henrich * 25.09.1867 in Albersloh, + in
WISSING, Franz Josef * 17.08.1831 in Albersloh, + 09.01.1882 in Albersloh
WISSING, Hermann Anton * 29.06.1869 in Albersloh, + in
WISSING, Hermann Anton * 26.05.1793 in Harsewinkel, + 13.02.1855 in Albersloh
WISSING, Hermann Anton * 24.08.1825 in Albersloh, + 15.05.1889 in Albersloh
WISSING, Theodor Johann * 08.09.1874 in Albersloh, + 01.09.1944 in Emsdetten
Last update: 10.07.2002
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