Family database Juling
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There are 12 individuals with the location Lone Star (Kansas) in this database. The links lead to detailed family reports of these individual with more additional ancestral links.
For hints and question concerning the data please and if there's something wrong with the database technique or you have an idea how to make it better, please contact Herbert Juling (
sorted by: Last name Birth Death
CHRISTIAN, Elizabeth * 08.02.1805 in Pennsylvania (USA), + 27.05.1877 in Lone Star (Kansas)
METSKER, Alonso Byron * 31.08.1862 in Lone Star (Kansas), + 15.03.1921 in Kansas City (Kansas)
METSKER, Emma Florene * 28.11.1864 in Lone Star (Kansas), + 16.10.1884 in Overbrook (Kansas)
METSKER, Granville Harrison * 15.04.1866 in Lone Star (Kansas), + 06.03.1938 in Ashland (Oregon)
METSKER, Ida Jane * 16.09.1867 in Lone Star (Kansas), + in
METSKER, John C * 18.09.1826 in Blair County (Pennsylvania), + 12.09.1911 in Lone Star (Kansas)
METSKER, Minnie Nevada * 01.01.1871 in Lone Star (Kansas), + in 1928 in California
METSKER, Oma Pierre * 08.08.1872 in Marion Township,Douglas County,Kansas, + 24.07.1873 in Lone Star (Kansas)
METSKER, Phillip * 24.07.1824 in Blair County (Pennsylvania), + 16.05.1904 in Lone Star (Kansas)
METSKER, Samuel Wells * 25.03.1838 in Liberty (Indiana), + in 1907 in Lone Star (Kansas)
METSKER, Sonora Tolena * 29.01.1876 in Marion Township,Douglas County,Kansas, + in 1946 in Lone Star (Kansas)
SPITLER, Salome * 03.03.1841 in Montgomery County (Ohio), + in 1917 in Lone Star (Kansas)
Last update: 10.07.2002
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