Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Place list
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
All places of birth and death occurring in this database are listed here. By clicking on a place name, all persons born there are displayed. The number in brackets indicates the number of persons in question.
Please send any comments or questions about the data or suggestions about the database technology to Herbert Juling (
Saalfeld (1), Sacramento (2), Sadagóra (1), Saerbeck (41), Saerbeck (1), Saerbeck? (1), Sahten (1), Saint Marys (2), Saint Patrick (2), Salbke (6), Salem (1), Salem (1), Salina (1), Salt Lake City (8), Salzbergen (260), Salzbergen? (6), Salzgitter (1), Salzgitter-Bad (3), Salzwedel (2), Samern (1), San Antonio (2), San Diego (6), San Gabriel (12), Sandfort (0), Sandow? (2), Sandringham (2), Sandusky County (1), Saratoga (1), Saskatoon (1), Sassenheim (2), Sault Sainte Marie (3), Scarborough (13), Schapdetten (5), Schapen (22), Schardingen (3), Scharnhorst (1), Schartau (52), Schepsdorf (16), Schepsdorf? (4), Schermbeck (1), Schermcke (3), Schermerhorn (64), Schiedam (1), Schleibnitz (3), Schleupe (98), Schlewecke (2), Schlüchtern (0), Schmargendorf (0), Schmedehausen (2), Schnarsleben? (2), Schönberg (2), Schönberg? (0), Schönebeck (3), Schönefeld (2), Schönerstädt (1), Schöninghsdorf (1), Schönwalde (18), Schönwalde? (1), Schöppingen (5), Schora (1), Schora ? (1), Schotthock (118), Schottland (19), Schottland? (1), Schraplau (1), Schülp (3), Schülp? (2), Schüttorf (5), Schwagstorf (7), Schwaigern (1), Schwartenpohl (5), Schwarz (1), Schweden (7), Schweiz (2), Schwelm (1), Scipio (14), Scott (2), Scottsdale (1), Seaforth (11), Seaside (2), Seattle (3), Sebnitz (10), Seebach (3), Seil (1), Sellen (1), Selm (5), Senden (3), Sendenhorst (27), Seneca County (15), Shady Work Inn (1), Sharnford (1), Shelby (5), Shelby City (2), Shelby County (6), Shelbyville (1), Shelley (1), Shepherdstown (1), Shiloh (1), Shooks Bluff (1), Shreveport (1), Sidney (5), Siegen (2), Sierra Valley (3), Silkstone (11), Sinjawino (1), Sinningen (3), Sinstorf (1), Skurup (1), Slimminge (2), Snowville (2), Sögel (1), Sohlbach (4), Soisdorf (1), Soldier (1), Solingen (1), Sommerschenburg (1), Sonoma (2), Sorau (2), Sorn (1), Sosnitza (1), South Mains (7), South Windsor (1), Southgate (1), Sowerby Parks (5), Spelle (60), Spokane (4), Spotsylvania (18), Springbiel (2), Springe (0), Springfield (2), Springfield (1), St. Arnold (5), St. Charles (2), St. Francisville (1), St. Joe (1), St. Louis (91), St. Mauritz (1), St. Rose (10), Stafford (2), Stafford County (1), Stalingrad (1), Stanley (8), Stanly County (2), Star City (1), Steelville (3), Stegelitz (10), Steide (191), Steinbach (2), Steinbeck (3), Steinbild (1), Steinfurt (7), Steinsdorf (2), Stephens County (1), Stetten am Heuchelberg (22), Stettin (5), Stockton (1), Stowe (1), Stratford (1), Strelitz (3), Stukenbrock (1), Stünz (2), Stuttgart (4), Suczawa (1), Sudenburg (0), Sudenburg (1), Suhl (1), Sun City (1), Sunderbauer (2), Sunnyvale (1), Surabaya (1), Surenburg (1), Sutrum (3), Sutrum-Harum (34), Suttrop (1), Sydney (1)
Last update: 10.07.2002
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map

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