Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree (Johann) Hilmar Friedrich Rosenthal
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of (Johann) Hilmar Friedrich ROSENTHAL is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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(Johann) Hilmar Friedrich ROSENTHAL (# 130)
* 28.04.1752
in Möckern
+ 16.01.1807
in Möckern
Hilmar Friedrich ROSENTHAL
Sophia Margaretha Elisabeth ROSENTHAL (# 65)
Johann Christian ROSENTHAL (# 260)
* 10.12.1715
in Möckern
+ 25.04.1765
in Möckern

oo 20.06.1746
in Möckern

Maria Elisabeth TEMPELHAGEN (# 261)
* 11.11.1725
in Loburg
+ 18.03.1795
in Möckern
Christian ROSENTHAL (# 520)
* 11.09.1697 Zerbst
+ 24.01.1745 Möckern
Anna Gottlieb BERGEMANN (# 521)
* about 1695
+ 28.06.1725 Möckern
Christian ROSENTHAL (# 1040)
* 1664 + 1734
oo 01.01.1696
UNBEKANNT (# 1041)
* + 1714
Andreas ROSENTHAL (# 2080)
Anna HENEMANN (# 2081)

* +
* +

Martin TEMPELHAGEN (# 522)
* 26.09.1670 Loburg
+ 20.08.1733 Loburg
oo 09.01.1700
in Loburg
Maria Elisabeth HILBRECHTEN (# 523)
* about 1668 Lindau
Joachim TEMPELHAGEN (# 1044)
* 1615 + 1698
oo 28.08.1665
Ursula LINDEMANN (# 1045)
* before 1639 + 1699
Marting (Martini) TEMPELHAGEN (# 2088)
Susanne SAPPNER (# 2089)

Jürgen LINDEMANN (# 2090)
Hanß HELMBRECHT (# 1046)
* about 1645 + 1689
Margarete UNBEKANNT (# 1047)
* about 1644 + 1726


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