Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Johann Gerhard Hermann HORSTKAMP
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Johann Gerhard Hermann HORSTKAMP is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Johann Gerhard Hermann HORSTKAMP
* 29.11.1807
in Bookholt
+ 25.01.1865
in Bookholt
Bernhard Heinrich HORSTKAMP (# 194)
* 06.01.1778
in Frenswegen
+ 15.01.1824
in Bookholt

oo 27.08.1799
in Nordhorn

Maria Adelheid RERINK (# 195)
* 27.05.1767
in Nordhorn
+ 05.02.1833
in Nordhorn
Johann Gerhard HORSTKAMP (# 388)
* 22.02.1744 Frenswegen
+ 14.10.1817 Frenswegen
oo 03.11.1773
in Frenswegen
Susanna Helena WIBBEN (# 389)
* 16.08.1746 Bernte
+ before 1824 Frenswegen
Johann Arnold HORSTKAMP (# 776)
* 1713 + 1814
oo 22.04.1742
Adelheid RACKERS (# 777)
* 1717 +
Gerhard Johann HORSTKAMP (# 1552)
Euphemia TENVREHE (# 1553)

Gerhard RACKERS (# 1554)
Adelheid UNBEKANNT (# 1555)
* +
* +

Johann Christian RERINK (# 390)
* 03.09.1741 Nordhorn
oo 14.09.1767
in Nordhorn
Wilhelmina RERINK (# 391)
* about 1740
Johann Rötger RERINK (# 780)
* 1702 +
oo 10.02.1735
Anna Maria LARING (# 781)
* about 1710 +
Albert RERINK (# 1560)
Wilhelmina KOOP (# 1561)

* +
* +


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