Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Berent Hindrick Sandfort
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Berent Hindrick SANDFORT is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Berent Hindrick SANDFORT
* 27.10.1771
in Beesten
+ 13.03.1814
in Beesten
Herman Hindrich SANDFORT (# 188)
* 17.10.1736
in Beesten
+ 04.03.1792
in Beesten

oo 18.10.1766
in Beesten

Gesina Maria BOLSMANN (# 189)
* 17.09.1743
in Beesten
+ 22.12.1814
in Beesten
Berent SANDVORT (# 376)
* in 1700 Beesten
+ 02.09.1763 Beesten
oo 09.10.1734
in Beesten
Margreta HOYKAMP (# 377)
* about 1715 Beesten
+ before 1763
Dierik SANDVOORT (# 752)
* about 1680 +
oo 10.01.1705
Fenne SCHOO (# 753)
* about 1685 +
Jacob SANDVOORT (# 1504)
Trinke LÖGERS (# 1505)

Geert SCHOO (# 1506)
UNBEKANNT (# 1507)
Herman HOYKAMP (# 754)
* about 1670 +
oo 16.01.1694
Maria ROLEFF (# 755)
* before 1670 + 1729
Jeurgen HOYKAMP (# 1508)
UNBEKANNT (# 1509)

Herman ROLEFF (# 1510)
UNBEKANNT (# 1511)
Jürgen BOLSMANN (# 378)
* about 1720
oo 11.10.1738
in Beesten
Anna Maria AMAN (# 379)
* 05.12.1717 Plantlünne
Herman BOLSMANN (# 756)
* about 1690 +
oo 25.01.1711
Trine WESSELS (# 757)
* about 1690 +
Henrik BOLSMANN (# 1512)
UNBEKANNT (# 1513)

Joannes AMAN (# 758)
* about 1685 +
oo 23.04.1709
Maria CLASINCK (# 759)
* about 1690 +


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