Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Herbert August Juling
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Herbert August JULING is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Herbert August JULING (# 2)
* 28.10.1955
in Rheine
+ 0000-00-00
Joseph Heinrich JULING (# 4)
* 18.09.1918
in Rheine
+ 19.06.2007
in Rheine

oo 28.11.1945
in Rheine

Anna Josephine Paula WERNING (# 5)
* 14.08.1920
in Dutum
+ 17.11.1998
in Rheine
Aloÿsius Joseph JULING (# 8)
* 30.07.1895 Rheine
+ 29.09.1970 Rheine
oo 27.05.1919
in Rheine
Alwine Bernardine WINTER GEN. OVERBECK (# 9)
* 03.06.1899 Emsdetten
+ 24.06.1980 Rheine
Heinrich Ludwig JULING (# 16)
* 1852 + 1901
oo 30.01.1882
Maria Theresia Anna LEUFKER (# 17)
* 1857 + 1908
Friedrich Gottfried JULING (# 32)
Anna Dorothea Louise ERXLEBEN (# 33)

Hermann Heinrich LÄUFKER (# 34)
Maria Anna Gertrud BUSJAN (# 35)
* +
Maria Anna Gertrud WINTER (# 19)
* 1877 + 1924

Johann Heinrich WINTER (# 38)
Gertrud HÖTGER (# 39)
Theodor Franz WERNING (# 10)
* 09.05.1890 Rheine
+ 26.02.1963 Rheine
oo 20.10.1919
in Rheine
Anna Maria VISSE (# 11)
* 17.04.1893 Eschendorf
+ 04.12.1955 Rheine
Gerhard Joseph WERNING (# 20)
* 1856 + 1933
Anna Maria BECKMANN (# 21)
* 1854 + 1912
Gerhard Joseph WERNING (# 40)
Maria Catharina HEEKE (# 41)

Gerhard Joan BIEKMANN (# 42)
Margaretha Elisabeth KRUMME (# 43)
Gerhard Heinrich VISSE (# 22)
* 1865 + 1911
oo 07.10.1890
Anna Hermine GRESS (# 23)
* 1864 + 1934
Heinrich Benedict VISSE (# 44)
Anna Maria Theresia WIECHMANN (# 45)

Johan Gerard GREHS (# 46)
Maria Elisabeth Lucia SANDFORT (# 47)

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