Family database Juling
Public Juling > Herbert > Family research > Family database > Pedigree Margaretha Adelheid BECKMANN
Ancestors list
List of names
Place list
Distribution map
Here the pedigree of Margaretha Adelheid BECKMANN is shown. The links lead to detailed individual reports with further related cross references. If the pedigree goes beyond the 5th generation, a linked arrow can be clicked on the right margin.
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Gerd Joann BECKMAN (# 494)
* 19.04.1756
+ 01.12.1820
in Ahlde

oo 06.02.1785
in Emsbüren

Maria Aleid HELMINCK (# 495)
* 03.12.1753
in Ahlde
+ 22.10.1827
Henricus BECK (# 988)
* 22.02.1724 Engden
+ 25.05.1803
oo 19.04.1755
Susanne SCHULTEN (# 989)
* 29.04.1720 Ahlde
+ 20.04.1776
Joan BECKHAUS (# 1976)
* 1675 +
oo 28.08.1708
Anna ALERING (# 1977)
* about 1688 +
Joannes BECKHAUS (# 3952)
Aleid   (# 3953)

Gerhard SCHULTE (# 1978)
* 1674 + 1749
oo 01.01.1708
Gesine WINTELS (# 1979)
* 1684 + 1756
Gerhard SCHULTE (# 3956)
Adelheid Maria STOCKMANN (# 3957)

Gerard WINTELS (# 3958)
Margaretha HOPPMANN (# 3959)
Hermannus HELMINGS (# 990)
* 16.08.1718 Ahlde?
+ 02.12.1777
oo 29.01.1743
Anna Adelheidis DIRICKS (# 991)
* 13.08.1724 Ahlde
+ 17.10.1788
Gerhardus HELMINCK (# 1980)
* 1685 + 1762
oo 17.01.1713
Adelheid GEISINCK (# 1981)
* 1691 +
Theodorus HELMICK (# 3960)
Anna   (# 3961)

Everhard DIRKS (# 1982)
* about 1696 +
oo 03.02.1722
Euphemia Aleid OLBERS (# 1983)
* about 1700 + 1788
Theodor DIRKS (# 3964)
Gesina LÜKEN (# 3965)


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